Home & Garden

30 Ideas for Extending Kitchen Outside the House 🧱

It is often said that the kitchen is the heart of a home. Over the years, the layout, structure and design of the kitchen has transformed dramatically as per the changing needs of home dwellers, shrinking sizes of homes and the dynamics associated with moving away from joint families to nuclear families.

From being an isolated space that existed purely for functional and utilitarian purposes, the kitchen has now come to occupy the central place in the house.

While choosing the ideal kitchen design, there is always a dilemma whether to go in for an open kitchen or a closed kitchen. While open kitchens seamlessly integrate with the rest of the house, it is a space that cannot afford to look messy.

Separated kitchens are perfect if you prefer privacy while cooking or are very busy to tidy up all the time.

If you indulge in daily cooking or love whipping up large meals, then a separated kitchen is ideal. With a separated kitchen, the noises, smells and fumes are largely confined to the four walls.

An added plus point is the fact that you can procrastinate clearing the mess for at least sometime as the space isn’t visible to the rest of the house. Separated kitchen with their four walls offer more opportunities for storage.




























Credit: Pinterest

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